- 学生{がくせい}たちに立法{りっぽう}の仕組み{しくみ}を説明{せつめい}する
explain the legislative mechanisms for students 意味
- "explain the influence of" 意味
- "explain the intention behind" 意味
- "explain the intention of one's comment" 意味
- "explain the issue of global warming" 意味
- "explain the legal grounds on" 意味
- "explain the lines of one's foreign policy" 意味
- "explain the link between stroke and hypertension" 意味
- "explain the logic underlying one's reform program" 意味
- "explain the maneuver" 意味
- "explain the issue of global warming" 意味
- "explain the legal grounds on" 意味
- "explain the lines of one's foreign policy" 意味
- "explain the link between stroke and hypertension" 意味